K dispozici na webu, ke stažení a jako aplikace pro chytré telefony
V nabídce je široký výběr automatů, blackjack, ruleta a další hry
Online jsou často k dispozici nové a zajímavé tituly
Je to kasino s ne příliš velkou rozmanitostí plateb, přestože se jedná o kasino #PayPal
Rozsah sázek je dán úrovní účtu
Big Fish Casino je jedním z nejznámějších a nejznámějších sociálních kasin. Je považováno za jednu z nejlepších nejlepších herních aplikací a kasin pro hráče, kteří hledají různé hry, včetně pokeru, automatů a dalších.
Vlastní ji a provozuje společnost Big Fish Games, vývojář her se sídlem v Seattlu. Ačkoli je kasino zdaleka nejoblíbenější z jejich herní nabídky, jsou stále dobře známí v oblasti sociálních her, kde mají více než 400 her na Facebooku a dalších 3 500 her na PC.
Kasino, které existuje od roku 2002, předcházelo šílenství videoher na Facebooku. Projekt začínal jako jednoduchá alternativa kasina pro zábavu, přičemž většina pokroků, které vidíme dnes, se odehrála v posledních deseti letech.
V posledních pěti letech byl podnik dvakrát prodán. V roce 2014 podnik koupila dostihová společnost Churchill Downs za 885 milionů dolarů. Na začátku roku 2018 pak byla korporace prodána společnosti Aristocrat Technologies za 990 milionů dolarů. Společnost Big Fish Games díky této transakci získá vstup do druhého největšího provozovatele výherních automatů na světě’
Okolí kasina provázely spory s jistou Cheryl Kater, o kterých si můžete přečíst na internetu. Soudní spor skončil hromadným vyrovnáním ve výši 155 milionů dolarů, které se týkalo této stížnosti a žaloby na online hazardní hry.
Big Fish Casino Bonusy a propagace
Každý nový hráč získá uvítací bonus ve výši 100 000 žetonů Big Fish Casino zdarma jen za registraci účtu. To by mělo bohatě stačit na to, abyste dali hrám šanci bez obav, že vám peníze příliš rychle dojdou. Noví uživatelé pak budou otáčet kolem, aby měli šanci vyhrát náhodný bonus, a také bonusovou dohodu, která uděluje 2 000 žetonů zdarma za 31 minut.
Každá podaná sázka vám přináší více zkušeností a vyšší úrovně znamenají větší a konzistentnější výhry, stejně jako více her a vyšší sázkové limity. Při hraní různých her můžete vyhrát různé ceny. Může se například stát, že se odněkud vynoří číšník a přinese vám žetony zdarma.
Možná se ptáte: K čemu jsou v kasinu Big Fish zlaté pruty?
Přístupné je také Centrum odměn, kde si hráči mohou zakoupit hry za zlaté pruty a přidat si je na svůj seznam. Toho lze dosáhnout také pomocí speciálních kódů, které jsou doručovány e-mailem a snižují cenu každé hry. Tyto promo kódy můžete použít i pro kasinové aplikace. Kasino tvrdí, že denně odmění 16 miliard žetonů, takže se zdá, že vyhrát je možné.
Každý den je možné vyhrát 35 000 jackpotů v automatech, což je celkem 16 miliard žetonů. Turnaje se sledují v reálném čase, takže můžete sledovat, kde se v žebříčku nacházíte, jak se odměny blíží. Pravidelní hráči si roztočí bonusové kolo a získají pravidelný bonus v kasinových žetonech zdarma.
VIP program kasina Big Fish
Vip program Big Fish Casino’ poskytuje hráčům jedinečné výhody. VIP získají větší slevy, násobitele nákupů a přístup k obsahu určenému pouze pro VIP.
Pokud se v něm chcete dostat na vyšší úroveň, bude jednou z vašich hlavních otázek, jak se dostat na vyšší úroveň. Za nákupy a zvyšování úrovně získáte VIP body. Čím vyšší je vaše VIP úroveň, tím více VIP bodů získáte. Vaše odměny se zvyšují s rostoucí úrovní VIP. Váš VIP status se nikdy neresetuje ani nesnižuje.
VIP úrovně 4 a vyšší mají přístup k různým výhodám, včetně dřívějšího přístupu k výherním automatům, automatům určeným pouze pro VIP a VIP Lounge.
Ještě než se stanete VIP T4, bude mít k těmto výhodám přístup každý, kdo se stane VIP zakoupením alespoň 5 dolarů!
Big Fish Casino Bezpečnost a regulace
Při hraní her v kasinu Big Fish je online ochrana vynikající. Při online nákupech jsou webové stránky stabilní a spolehlivý je také portál Facebook. Uživatelé si také mohou vybrat, co chtějí zveřejnit a zobrazit na svých časových osách na Facebooku.
Big Fish Casino Přihlášení
Po stažení se jednoduše přihlásíte pomocí hesla na Facebooku a vytvoříte si účet (můžete si také vytvořit účet pouze pomocí e-mailové adresy). Při vytváření účtu si vyberete uživatelské jméno a heslo a dokončíte přihlášení. Poté můžete nahrát fotografii pro svůj avatar nebo si vybrat ze sady dostupných fotografií.
Nemusíte použít všechny své vlastní peníze, abyste mohli začít hrát hry v kasinu Big Fish, protože peníze, které potřebujete, jsou pouze hrací žetony zdarma.
Nikoho asi nepřekvapí, že tento web má velký úspěch, protože hráči si všechny hry vyzkouší na několika chytrých telefonech. Aplikace jsou k dispozici ke stažení zdarma v obchodě Apple App Store pro zařízení s operačním systémem iOS, v obchodě Google Play pro zařízení s operačním systémem Android a v obchodě Amazon pro tablety Amazon.
Mezi mobilními hrami jsou k dispozici blackjack, poker, ruleta a různé výherní automaty. Aplikace Big Fish je uživatelsky velmi přívětivá a její rozhraní zaručuje, že se vám do telefonu vejde vše bez ohledu na zařízení. Na mobilních zařízeních lze také snadno žádat o bonusy a hráči mohou na cestách provádět transakce s reálnými penězi a přidávat si tak žetony nebo zlato na svůj zůstatek.
Big Fish Casino Bankovnictví a platby
V porovnání s většinou kasin nabízí pokladna omezený počet možností, pokud jde o vkládání skutečných peněz. Absence online peněženek ze seznamu ji činí méně než dokonalou. Výběr z řady debetních a kreditních karet naopak většině spotřebitelů nákup žetonů a zlata usnadní. Big Fish Casino umožňuje objednávky ve více než stovce měn a prodává různé pevné balíčky, které vyhovují různým rozpočtům.
Kromě řady standardních platebních metod kasina se jedná o kasino PayPal, takže hráči mají při přidávání prostředků během pokerových her nebo her na automatech další flexibilitu.
Všechny hry jsou přístupné v sekci „guides’“, kde se v horní části obrazovky nachází nabídka s odkazy na sloty, blackjack, ruletu a poker. Na pravé straně této záložky se nachází podnabídka s odkazy na Texas Hold’em a další průvodce hrami, které jsou rozsáhlé a podrobně popisují způsob hry i slovní zásobu, kterou používají. Najdete zde také slovníček slov a vysvětlení k různým automatovým sportům, jako jsou progresivní automaty a automaty na drobné.
Založení tajného „klubu’ s využitím odkazů na Facebooku vám umožní hrát kasinové hry s kamarády. Můžete se také účastnit pravidelných turnajů, ve kterých se můžete zúčastnit zábavných soutěží. Na výběr je více než 450 her pro kapesní počítače a tablety a přes 3500 her pro PC, takže si vybere opravdu každý. Všechny hry jsou ojedinělé, ale nikde jinde na internetu je nenajdete, přitom mnohé z nich jsou známé svými slavnými tituly, jako je ruleta, blackjack, video poker Jacks or Better, a dokonce i virtuální dostihy.
Není zde tak velký výběr jako u jiných provozovatelů, ale i tak si tu užijete spoustu zábavy!
Kasino Big Fish Slots
Sbírka automatů Big Fish obsahuje stovky titulů, ze kterých si můžete vybírat. Mnoho z nich je k dispozici hned při prvním spuštění hry, ale u některých her je třeba dosáhnout 38. úrovně, než se odemknou. Lobby s hracími automaty má dvě záložky: Obě sloty a VIP sloty. Hráči se také mohou účastnit turnajů ve hře na automatech na webu.
Tady jsou některé z dostupných titulů automatů:
Jackpot City
Money Rain Deluxe
Crazy Money Deluxe
The Secret Grove
Sweet Stacks
Sherlock Manor
Jednoruký bandita
Stars ‚N Sevens
Háj pokladů
Městem otřásly podivné vraždy – dílo zvráceného vraha, který vychází jen v noci a své oběti nechává vykrvácet. Případem byl pověřen detektiv Elliot Moore, který’začíná vidět potenciálního podezřelého: psychiatra jménem doktor Lewis Holland.
Stolní hry
Sekce stolních her funguje trochu jiným způsobem než sekce automatů. Nejsou zde’žádné hry, které by se nedaly hrát. Minimální částky u jednotlivých tematických stolů se však liší, takže pokud si chcete zahrát konkrétní hru, musíte mít potřebné finanční prostředky.
Video poker
I když nabídka pokeru není velká, hráči si přesto myslí, že patří mezi nejlepší aplikace pro hazardní hry, protože online kasino je vzhledem k mobilní aplikaci velmi dostupné. K dispozici jsou tři verze video pokerových her.
Jsou to:
Jacks or Better
Deuces Wild
Jokers Wild
Vydejte se na cestu za obnovou úchvatných mořských krajin ve více než 600 podvodních úrovních! Budeš muset být co nejlepší, abys překonal překážky, jako jsou zámky, řetězy, mořské řasy a další, zatímco budeš v každé úrovni hledat smaragdy, abys mohl obnovit majestátní paláce Atlantidy.
Big Fish Casino Podpora
Pokud se chcete obrátit na Big Fish Casino, jako první se můžete obrátit na stránky podpory. Pokud na stránce nápovědy nenajdete odpověď na svou otázku, měli byste napsat na zákaznickou podporu.
Po odeslání formuláře obdržíte automatický e-mail s potvrzením, že váš dotaz obdrželi. Poté vám’přijde e-mail od jejich týmu zákaznické podpory, který se pokusí odpovědět na váš dotaz. Jejich odpověď bude zaslána na adresu, kterou jste uvedli v e-mailu.
Obvyklá doba odpovědi se pohybuje mezi 24 a 72 hodinami. Na dotazy odpovídají v pořadí, v jakém byly zaslány, takže doba odpovědi se může lišit v závislosti na vytížení týmu’
Big Fish Casino: Skutečné peníze nebo ztráta času?
Platforma nabízí zábavný a jednoduchý způsob, jak hrát některé z nejznámějších kasinových her. Navíc je zde možnost hrát hry zdarma online, což je bonus. Nabízené hry jsou rozmanité a mají vysokou úroveň.
Společenský aspekt online kasina Big Fish Casino nabízí pro každého něco, například tematické výherní automaty, realistický blackjack a ruletu, poker pro více hráčů a další hry. Uživatelé, kteří potřebují další žetony, si je samozřejmě mohou zakoupit pomocí různých metod online bankovnictví prostřednictvím bezpečné pokladny. Zlaté žetony můžete použít také k nákupu dárků v obchodě s dárky.
Pro mnoho hráčů je House jednou z nejlepších herních aplikací, pokud máte rádi poker v kasinu a výherní automaty a chcete prozkoumat maximum různých síťových prvků v online hrách. Samozřejmě, pokud chcete více informací, podívejte se na některé recenze ve vámi vybraném obchodě s aplikacemi.
Stránka nebyla nalezena
Date of foundation 11.02.2025.
Které země jsou omezeny?
Kasino povoluje všechny země.
Jak mohu vkládat peníze a vybírat výhry?
Hráči mají při vkladu hotovosti méně možností než ve většině ostatních kasin. Jako platební metodu si můžete vybrat mezi kartami MasterCard, Visa, AmEx, Discover a JCB.
Co mám dělat, když jsem zapomněl/a heslo?
Pokud jste zapomněli své heslo, použijte pokyny, které najdete na stránce s nejčastějšími dotazy, a nechte si zaslat nové heslo e-mailem.
Mohu mít 2 účty?
Ano, v kasinu Big Fish můžete mít několik účtů.
Musím svůj účet ověřit?
Váš účet je ověřen prostřednictvím účtu na Facebooku.
Je kasino Big Fish bezpečné?
Ano, Big Fish Casino je bezpečná a důvěryhodná online kasino platforma.
Jak ušetřit peníze při hraní na Big Fish
Spend some time learning the strategies and understanding the probabilities of the game you have chosen. You will soon be rewarded with a growing account balance.
Earn VIP rewards. If you are a regular player who plays large amounts of money, you may be eligible for additional bonuses or cash.
In blackjack, casino edge can be reduced to 0.05% with a good blackjack strategy. So, choose games where your skills can give you an edge over the casino.
Know your bonus requirements. Most players do not read the bonus terms and conditions. However, you absolutely should.
Make sure that you are always playing on legitimate, trusted casino websites. Check out casino reviews on our website for guaranteed security.
Začínal jako krupiér v kasinu a postupoval na manažerské pozice. V současné době pracuje jako konzultant pro různé značky a radí, jak propagovat jejich portfolio živých her.
Nyní George Hansen spolupracuje také s námi, abychom hráčům pomohli vybrat si to nejlepší. Vyhodnocuje portfolia a operace a snaží se najít ty nejvýhodnější značky, u kterých mohou naši hráči začít hrát.
Such establishments have no place on the Internet at all – they simply deceive customers and do not pay them anything. Close to hell!
2 / 5
After being a member for over eight years, I'm thinking to cancel my subscription with Big Fish games. They are constantly advertising-free games but when you try to play it doesn't seem possible. A week back I used my free game token but they were not accepted. After getting nowhere with their support team I just gave up. This was also not the only incident as I tried to use my free token to play a game one day before it expired but still, I received a message stating that the game has already expired. I'm seriously thinking to quit this site unless someone manages to explain to me what's going on.
Micheal Moyes
4 / 5
I've been playing on BFG for two decades and can confirm that it is a superb company. Lately, I've noticed that the games database, as well as members accounts, are being attacked by trojans. When I tried logging into my account I found it strange that the login is displaying my email address rather than my user name. I tried logging in as my password is automatically saved but still, I couldn't move forward and instead received a message stating that I must enter my username and passwords details. I am not blaming it on the company and I don't think they are responsible for the hacks, they even offered me a free game for the trouble I went through. I do not doubt that this will all be sorted out and I will be able to regain my account back.
Fiorella KV
1 / 5
I do not recommend this site to anyone. I bought two games from them and for months now they've been charging me a seven dollars fee every month claiming that I purchased a club game, but that is not true. I never bought this kind of game and I never permitted them to take my money. If you don't want to be scammed, stay away from this website.
1 / 5
I have no issues dealing with the support team here and I feel they work very hard to help solve our problems and keep us satisfied but at the same time compensating me with money instead of actually solving the bug in your game for nearly two years is unacceptable. So here is the story I haven't been able to play any of the games on BFG for two years due to a bug that works against the sensitivity of my mouse cursor causing it to slow down or lag when I try to play on 4k resolution. The game was developed by Elephant Games and I've spoken to them as well but they always direct me to BFG. This kind of sucks because I purchased a lot of games from Elephant Games but can't really play them on a high resolution. At some point they suggested I play on a lower resolution, less than HD, but that is just not going to work for me. I don't like how BigFish are dealing with this and I don't think giving me money solves my problem because I would still like to play the games I purchased. If anyone is facing a similar problem or have reached a better outcome with the company please contact me.
Elsie Hobbs
2 / 5
I tried to download a trial from Big Fish but it still says it's not safe to download. I went ahead and downloaded it anyways and halfway through the game it crashed. Not sure what's going on, can someone help me? This is not my first time downloading a game from Big Fish but I haven't run into this problem in all the years I've been playing their games.
2 / 5
Even though I'm not a member of the monthly club but almost half the games I've bought have crashed at some point. They usually work for a while before going bad!
Joan Williams
1 / 5
I'm trying to reclaim my money back from Bigfish after purchasing some games. Since I'm operating the latest IOS on my new laptop, I haven't been able to download any of the games I bought. I tried contacting customer support but haven't heard back from them yet regarding this problem. All they managed to do is provide me with a free game coupon until they can sort out the problem but that is ridiculous since I can't download any game!!
Martin Ostrowski
1 / 5
This casino is only good for taking your money. They sure took mine after I had to buy and re-buy faulted games. And now Bigfish is charging me for a purchase I've never made!!! I will never trust this website again or spend even 1 penny here. Isn't it enough that I can't download the games that I've already bought on my new computer because most games are either incompatible or full of bugs. The site is completely out of order, looks like a casino but in reality it's a scam.
Sydney Allen
1 / 5
I was very happy to receive some vouchers from Bigfishgams that I assumed I could use anytime since no expiration date was indicated on them. Last January I decided to use one voucher and when I did I was surprised to receive a message that it has already expired. I contacted customer support a few days later for an explanation and one month later I'm still waiting. I contacted them again and they send me a couple of more vouchers which guess what doesn't work as I received a message this time stating that the vouchers are not valid as they've been used. This is site is totally unprofessional, it takes months to get a reply and when you do it's useless. I will definitely not be spending my money here as they are unreliable. They don't even deserve any rating.
cari williams
4 / 5
In general, I am satisfied with my experience here because they offer a wide variety of games that are reasonably priced and their support team is efficient enough. Complaints might take a couple of days before they are handled but that's not an issue for me. I've read some comments here of people complaining about getting scammed for the membership fee and I don't agree because if you were to pay attention you will realize that at the checkout summary the free membership trial box is always checked. All you need to do is uncheck the box if that is something you are not interested in. People just don't bother reading what they are signing up to!!!
Mary Abreo Villa
1 / 5
I give BigFishgames a zero star review because they have the most horrible support team. I spent a couple of months of my life trying to get a refund on a cancelled amount and when I was not successful I had to terminate the credit card I used altogether. Very disappointing.
Christina Pyrlidou
2 / 5
For years now I have been buying games from Bigfish. I bought more than a hundred games including hidden ones but what's starting to bother me is how they are charging for games. Since I live in Europe and pay in Euros I find often times that games are priced in dollars. And even though the conversion rate of euros to dollars is not the same still the amount never changes when I pay. Another issue is that since last November they haven't added any new games to their library. I tried emailing them to inquire about when they would release new games but haven't received any answer until last night when they informed me that they will not be releasing any new games for Android users. Not sure why they haven't announced that on their website or why they will discontinue adding new games for android but I am really not happy about that.
2 / 5
BigFishGames offers a great selection of games but they are too pricey. If they would offer games at lower prices I would definitely be buying more. I think five dollars is a fair price for a few hours of play.
Chris Warren
2 / 5
Stay away from this game provider. As soon as they understood that I don't wish to play they blocked over forty of my credits. This happened during the time of the pandemic and they just simply cancelled most of my credit which I was using to pay for games. After I placed my account on hold and reactivated I tried to reclaim my credit but they wouldn't let me. I reached out to customer support but they only reply with silly excuses and haven't been able to figure out a solution so far. Even though they have a big selection of games yet they are mostly redundant. Be careful when using this site, you're better off with. another honest game provider.
Sherry swilley
3 / 5
I downloaded a game from bigfishgame around four years ago and was very satisfied with it. I had format my device so I uninstalled the game and when I tried to re-install it didn't work. Every time I try to install it I receive a message that downloading is pending! I checked the storage space on my device to make sure there was enough so I'm not sure what the issue is. Now I would like a full refund of my money.
Chris Warren
2 / 5
Stay away from this site, they are scammers. They blocked forty-six of my credits the moment I decided I wanted to cancel my monthly membership. I was counting on the fact that I could still use my credit but unfortunately, they took it all away and blocked me. I don't think it's fair that BigFishGames would cancel my credit just because I don't wish to continue being a member with them. So basically I lost around four hundred dollars worth of credits, not to mention that their conversion rate is way more than it should be. I will be looking for another game provider that doesn't block your credit just because you decided to place your membership on hold. I have clear evidence of what they've done here and will use it if I need it. Over and above, the selection of games here is not impressive. I wish you all good luck and just wanted to bring this up for the sake of transparency. Beware everyone!!
1 / 5
Don't believe this company! I purchased two games from them and they weren't working because of a fault from the provider. Support was responding to me up until I asked for my money back. This was three months back and I have tried communicating with them several times. ALL my emails have been disregarded. This company is taking cash from its customers and should have some gambling authority look into their case.
4 / 5
I'm recommending this casino for its diverse variety of games. I especially enjoy the hidden objects games. Will definitely be coming back for more.
Elsie Hobbs
2 / 5
This is not my first time purchasing games from the site but lately, when I download a game I receive a warning that is not safe and even when I manage to surpass that the game crashes while I'm playing. Any advice?
Jocelyn Banks
3 / 5
I'm a loyal member of BigFishgames for over ten years but recently I'm having some concerns. Their support team has degenerated and oftentimes they don't even bother responding to complaints. I'm still waiting for a response to my last inquiry but I must say I'm losing patience. On a side note before you sign up make sure to carefully read their terms and conditions because once you provide them with your payment information your automatically agreeing to the terms. Best of luck everyone!!
L.L. Bower
2 / 5
For years I've been playing games at Bigfishgames and haven't had any big issues. I usually highly rely on reviews given by other people before purchasing any game so I wanted to test the credibility of these reviews for myself. I decided to write a negative review on a game that was just released and to my surprise, they didn't post my review and instead posted a positive review for the same game from another user. I won't be relying on reviews anymore since they are not fair in posting all the reviews.
2 / 5
Even though I'm not a member but I've always purchased games here. I noticed that many games will work for a while before crashing. The selection of games is great but if they won't work then what's the point!!
Sarah Hensley
4 / 5
Highly recommend this website for their great selection of games. I personally enjoy their puzzles as it occupies my mind and pushes me to think. My partner is always asking me what I'm so consumed in!! Every now and then an issue rises but after contacting their friendly customer's support team it's usually swiftly resolved. I recommend you check out games offered here and especially my favourite puzzle Where is Waldo!!!
Leah Drennan
1 / 5
Like many Mac users, I haven't been able to play Big Fish Games after the recent update they made to their software. The games work just fine when I buy them from other websites but not from Big Fish. I would like my money back and I don't wish for credit since I can no longer purchase any games from your site. I sent a bunch of emails requesting a refund but haven't heard back from them. This is extremely unprofessional and borderline theft. I give them a 1-star review for their terrible support team and their broken games.
cari williams
4 / 5
I like the site because I found the games to be diverse and the customer support team very helpful. I read many negative comments about how they overcharge for the. games which I don't think is true because they actually break down your bill so all you need to do is take a look before you actually checkout. For example, you can easily opt-out of the trial membership if you don't wish to pay for it. Yes, it's checked automatically but you can easily uncheck the box and you won't have to pay for it. You just need to be more aware of what you're signing up for and you won't face any problems. This site is fair and credible in my opinion.
Ellen Enright
2 / 5
Gummy Drop is a great website but I'm disappointed that they don't include my country. I hope shortly a city or town from my country will be represented here.
Linda Bradley
3 / 5
Overall I'm satisfied with the variety of games they offer and have been downloading and playing their games for years. The only issue I have is that the standard games have really declined over the past few years. I mean they haven't updated their technology and don't seem to bother.
Camilla Henriette Nøjgaard
3 / 5
I purchased some games from BigFish over the last months and I enjoyed most of the games I bought. I was only surprised to discover that I'm being charged a hidden monthly fee of eight dollars. I already cancelled it and have taken it up with their customer support team.
2 / 5
The games offered by BigFishGames are mostly great yet too pricey. They charge a lot of money for a few hours of playing but for example, if they considered lowering the price I would definitely be more inclined to play more.
Aleta Wentzell
3 / 5
I've been a member and for years U have been charged a monthly fee of seven dollars for my membership. Over the last months, I noticed that they are charging me over seven dollars for membership without contacting me in advance. I'm not sure how they can increase their fee all of a sudden when they promote seven dollars all over the internet. I don't think I will be returning here since I'm also getting bored of their games.
Josefin N.
4 / 5
I purchased a game and everything is working with it, but I noticed that BigFishGames have been charging me a hidden monthly fee of almost nine dollars. I went back to read their terms and realized that I've been automatically signed up for membership. Since this is unfair I decided to reach out to support and within a day they replied saying that the money will be refunded to my PayPal account. I'm not so happy that they signed me up discreetly but also I'm kinda glad they realized their mistake and refunded me back the money.
Camilla Henriette Nøjgaard
3 / 5
I bought a bunch of games from BigFish and I really enjoy playing them. I realized this month that I was charged a hidden fee of more than eight dollars. I cancelled my subscription immediately and contacted support for a refund but they haven't answered me back yet.
2 / 5
I've been purchasing games from BigFish for the past three years but recently I noticed that they started charging me a monthly fee. I looked into the matter and realized that they signed me up for membership without clearly informing me of that. I went ahead and reached to their support team to cancel my membership.
Cheryl Powers
1 / 5
I've been a loyal member of this casino for over ten years and I used to appreciate the promos and bonuses they offered. Lately, things have changed especially when it comes to the pricing of the games. I personally enjoy playing adventure games which normally cost around fourteen dollars. I would usually buy them on sale but noticed that the pricing doesn't match the discount. For example, a game that is fourteen dollars on a sixty-five percent sale only goes down to seven dollars. And I confess I'm not a mathematician but that discount doesn't make any sense. I don't like how they promote to catch your attention but then don't meet their end of the deal!
Published Author
1 / 5
Two years ago I bought a game from BigFishGames, and ever since, they have been withdrawing money from my bank account every single month. I reached out to customer support but they haven't been able to stop withdrawals and they don't want to give me back my money. Stay away from this company.
Mattie Hicks
1 / 5
I feel scammed by BigFishGames as they denied me my fifty thousand diamonds in rewards for a game I played. I provided customer support with all the necessary proof of how I accumulated the diamonds including screenshots from diamonds I received on promotions. I am leaving this negative review to warn others out there of the company's manipulations. I won those diamonds fair and square, so I am not sure why they feel it's ok to deny me what I've earned. They are always advertised as a credible and established company but in reality, they are not professional and inefficient. It is a pity I will never be returning here because I do like many of the games they offer but ultimately it's not worth the hassle.
Ellen Enright
2 / 5
I like the diversity of games they offer and enjoy playing many of their games. I just find it strange that all major cities are not represented in a game like Gummy Drop. I hope one day to see my city there.
Linda Bradley
3 / 5
I'm a loyal member of the site for years now and I highly enjoy the variety of games they offer. Haven't had any issues downloading or playing the games. The only drawback is that the games are not often updated and themes seem to be outdated.
KingNai Thefirst
1 / 5
Even though they promote offering free games but that's not entirely true because you have to pay a fee upon signing up before you can claim the offer.
Rebeccà Knox
1 / 5
Some games are faulty. I would honestly like to have my money back.
1 / 5
Two years ago I bought a game from BigFishGames, and ever since, they have been withdrawing money from my bank account every single month. I reached out to customer support but they haven't been able to stop withdrawals and they don't want to give me back my money. Stay away from this company.
Přidat Big Fish Recenze
Poznejte své limity a hrajte bezpečně
For many people, casino gaming is exciting and entertaining. Therefore, they make decisions carefully and consider how much money and time they want to spend on gambling.
Here’s how to control yourself:
Before you even start playing, set a loss limit and stick to it;
Play with low risk and always remember that everything is just a game
Never borrow money to play;
Set yourself a time limit;
Take regular breaks from playing;
Balance playing with other activities;
Do not play if you are under stress, depression, drugs, drunk or other problems;
Only play with money that you have left for your free time, but never with money that you can use to cover your fixed costs (rent, electricity, etc.).
Such establishments have no place on the Internet at all – they simply deceive customers and do not pay them anything. Close to hell!
After being a member for over eight years, I'm thinking to cancel my subscription with Big Fish games. They are constantly advertising-free games but when you try to play it doesn't seem possible. A week back I used my free game token but they were not accepted. After getting nowhere with their support team I just gave up. This was also not the only incident as I tried to use my free token to play a game one day before it expired but still, I received a message stating that the game has already expired. I'm seriously thinking to quit this site unless someone manages to explain to me what's going on.
I've been playing on BFG for two decades and can confirm that it is a superb company. Lately, I've noticed that the games database, as well as members accounts, are being attacked by trojans. When I tried logging into my account I found it strange that the login is displaying my email address rather than my user name. I tried logging in as my password is automatically saved but still, I couldn't move forward and instead received a message stating that I must enter my username and passwords details. I am not blaming it on the company and I don't think they are responsible for the hacks, they even offered me a free game for the trouble I went through. I do not doubt that this will all be sorted out and I will be able to regain my account back.
I do not recommend this site to anyone. I bought two games from them and for months now they've been charging me a seven dollars fee every month claiming that I purchased a club game, but that is not true. I never bought this kind of game and I never permitted them to take my money. If you don't want to be scammed, stay away from this website.
I have no issues dealing with the support team here and I feel they work very hard to help solve our problems and keep us satisfied but at the same time compensating me with money instead of actually solving the bug in your game for nearly two years is unacceptable. So here is the story I haven't been able to play any of the games on BFG for two years due to a bug that works against the sensitivity of my mouse cursor causing it to slow down or lag when I try to play on 4k resolution. The game was developed by Elephant Games and I've spoken to them as well but they always direct me to BFG. This kind of sucks because I purchased a lot of games from Elephant Games but can't really play them on a high resolution. At some point they suggested I play on a lower resolution, less than HD, but that is just not going to work for me. I don't like how BigFish are dealing with this and I don't think giving me money solves my problem because I would still like to play the games I purchased. If anyone is facing a similar problem or have reached a better outcome with the company please contact me.
I tried to download a trial from Big Fish but it still says it's not safe to download. I went ahead and downloaded it anyways and halfway through the game it crashed. Not sure what's going on, can someone help me? This is not my first time downloading a game from Big Fish but I haven't run into this problem in all the years I've been playing their games.
Even though I'm not a member of the monthly club but almost half the games I've bought have crashed at some point. They usually work for a while before going bad!
I'm trying to reclaim my money back from Bigfish after purchasing some games. Since I'm operating the latest IOS on my new laptop, I haven't been able to download any of the games I bought. I tried contacting customer support but haven't heard back from them yet regarding this problem. All they managed to do is provide me with a free game coupon until they can sort out the problem but that is ridiculous since I can't download any game!!
This casino is only good for taking your money. They sure took mine after I had to buy and re-buy faulted games. And now Bigfish is charging me for a purchase I've never made!!! I will never trust this website again or spend even 1 penny here. Isn't it enough that I can't download the games that I've already bought on my new computer because most games are either incompatible or full of bugs. The site is completely out of order, looks like a casino but in reality it's a scam.
I was very happy to receive some vouchers from Bigfishgams that I assumed I could use anytime since no expiration date was indicated on them. Last January I decided to use one voucher and when I did I was surprised to receive a message that it has already expired. I contacted customer support a few days later for an explanation and one month later I'm still waiting. I contacted them again and they send me a couple of more vouchers which guess what doesn't work as I received a message this time stating that the vouchers are not valid as they've been used. This is site is totally unprofessional, it takes months to get a reply and when you do it's useless. I will definitely not be spending my money here as they are unreliable. They don't even deserve any rating.
In general, I am satisfied with my experience here because they offer a wide variety of games that are reasonably priced and their support team is efficient enough. Complaints might take a couple of days before they are handled but that's not an issue for me. I've read some comments here of people complaining about getting scammed for the membership fee and I don't agree because if you were to pay attention you will realize that at the checkout summary the free membership trial box is always checked. All you need to do is uncheck the box if that is something you are not interested in. People just don't bother reading what they are signing up to!!!
I give BigFishgames a zero star review because they have the most horrible support team. I spent a couple of months of my life trying to get a refund on a cancelled amount and when I was not successful I had to terminate the credit card I used altogether. Very disappointing.
For years now I have been buying games from Bigfish. I bought more than a hundred games including hidden ones but what's starting to bother me is how they are charging for games. Since I live in Europe and pay in Euros I find often times that games are priced in dollars. And even though the conversion rate of euros to dollars is not the same still the amount never changes when I pay. Another issue is that since last November they haven't added any new games to their library. I tried emailing them to inquire about when they would release new games but haven't received any answer until last night when they informed me that they will not be releasing any new games for Android users. Not sure why they haven't announced that on their website or why they will discontinue adding new games for android but I am really not happy about that.
BigFishGames offers a great selection of games but they are too pricey. If they would offer games at lower prices I would definitely be buying more. I think five dollars is a fair price for a few hours of play.
Stay away from this game provider. As soon as they understood that I don't wish to play they blocked over forty of my credits. This happened during the time of the pandemic and they just simply cancelled most of my credit which I was using to pay for games. After I placed my account on hold and reactivated I tried to reclaim my credit but they wouldn't let me. I reached out to customer support but they only reply with silly excuses and haven't been able to figure out a solution so far. Even though they have a big selection of games yet they are mostly redundant. Be careful when using this site, you're better off with. another honest game provider.
I downloaded a game from bigfishgame around four years ago and was very satisfied with it. I had format my device so I uninstalled the game and when I tried to re-install it didn't work. Every time I try to install it I receive a message that downloading is pending! I checked the storage space on my device to make sure there was enough so I'm not sure what the issue is. Now I would like a full refund of my money.
Stay away from this site, they are scammers. They blocked forty-six of my credits the moment I decided I wanted to cancel my monthly membership. I was counting on the fact that I could still use my credit but unfortunately, they took it all away and blocked me. I don't think it's fair that BigFishGames would cancel my credit just because I don't wish to continue being a member with them. So basically I lost around four hundred dollars worth of credits, not to mention that their conversion rate is way more than it should be. I will be looking for another game provider that doesn't block your credit just because you decided to place your membership on hold. I have clear evidence of what they've done here and will use it if I need it. Over and above, the selection of games here is not impressive. I wish you all good luck and just wanted to bring this up for the sake of transparency. Beware everyone!!
Don't believe this company! I purchased two games from them and they weren't working because of a fault from the provider. Support was responding to me up until I asked for my money back. This was three months back and I have tried communicating with them several times. ALL my emails have been disregarded. This company is taking cash from its customers and should have some gambling authority look into their case.
I'm recommending this casino for its diverse variety of games. I especially enjoy the hidden objects games. Will definitely be coming back for more.
This is not my first time purchasing games from the site but lately, when I download a game I receive a warning that is not safe and even when I manage to surpass that the game crashes while I'm playing. Any advice?
I'm a loyal member of BigFishgames for over ten years but recently I'm having some concerns. Their support team has degenerated and oftentimes they don't even bother responding to complaints. I'm still waiting for a response to my last inquiry but I must say I'm losing patience. On a side note before you sign up make sure to carefully read their terms and conditions because once you provide them with your payment information your automatically agreeing to the terms. Best of luck everyone!!
For years I've been playing games at Bigfishgames and haven't had any big issues. I usually highly rely on reviews given by other people before purchasing any game so I wanted to test the credibility of these reviews for myself. I decided to write a negative review on a game that was just released and to my surprise, they didn't post my review and instead posted a positive review for the same game from another user. I won't be relying on reviews anymore since they are not fair in posting all the reviews.
Even though I'm not a member but I've always purchased games here. I noticed that many games will work for a while before crashing. The selection of games is great but if they won't work then what's the point!!
Highly recommend this website for their great selection of games. I personally enjoy their puzzles as it occupies my mind and pushes me to think. My partner is always asking me what I'm so consumed in!! Every now and then an issue rises but after contacting their friendly customer's support team it's usually swiftly resolved. I recommend you check out games offered here and especially my favourite puzzle Where is Waldo!!!
Like many Mac users, I haven't been able to play Big Fish Games after the recent update they made to their software. The games work just fine when I buy them from other websites but not from Big Fish. I would like my money back and I don't wish for credit since I can no longer purchase any games from your site. I sent a bunch of emails requesting a refund but haven't heard back from them. This is extremely unprofessional and borderline theft. I give them a 1-star review for their terrible support team and their broken games.
I like the site because I found the games to be diverse and the customer support team very helpful. I read many negative comments about how they overcharge for the. games which I don't think is true because they actually break down your bill so all you need to do is take a look before you actually checkout. For example, you can easily opt-out of the trial membership if you don't wish to pay for it. Yes, it's checked automatically but you can easily uncheck the box and you won't have to pay for it. You just need to be more aware of what you're signing up for and you won't face any problems. This site is fair and credible in my opinion.
Gummy Drop is a great website but I'm disappointed that they don't include my country. I hope shortly a city or town from my country will be represented here.
Overall I'm satisfied with the variety of games they offer and have been downloading and playing their games for years. The only issue I have is that the standard games have really declined over the past few years. I mean they haven't updated their technology and don't seem to bother.
I purchased some games from BigFish over the last months and I enjoyed most of the games I bought. I was only surprised to discover that I'm being charged a hidden monthly fee of eight dollars. I already cancelled it and have taken it up with their customer support team.
The games offered by BigFishGames are mostly great yet too pricey. They charge a lot of money for a few hours of playing but for example, if they considered lowering the price I would definitely be more inclined to play more.
I've been a member and for years U have been charged a monthly fee of seven dollars for my membership. Over the last months, I noticed that they are charging me over seven dollars for membership without contacting me in advance. I'm not sure how they can increase their fee all of a sudden when they promote seven dollars all over the internet. I don't think I will be returning here since I'm also getting bored of their games.
I purchased a game and everything is working with it, but I noticed that BigFishGames have been charging me a hidden monthly fee of almost nine dollars. I went back to read their terms and realized that I've been automatically signed up for membership. Since this is unfair I decided to reach out to support and within a day they replied saying that the money will be refunded to my PayPal account. I'm not so happy that they signed me up discreetly but also I'm kinda glad they realized their mistake and refunded me back the money.
I bought a bunch of games from BigFish and I really enjoy playing them. I realized this month that I was charged a hidden fee of more than eight dollars. I cancelled my subscription immediately and contacted support for a refund but they haven't answered me back yet.
I've been purchasing games from BigFish for the past three years but recently I noticed that they started charging me a monthly fee. I looked into the matter and realized that they signed me up for membership without clearly informing me of that. I went ahead and reached to their support team to cancel my membership.
I've been a loyal member of this casino for over ten years and I used to appreciate the promos and bonuses they offered. Lately, things have changed especially when it comes to the pricing of the games. I personally enjoy playing adventure games which normally cost around fourteen dollars. I would usually buy them on sale but noticed that the pricing doesn't match the discount. For example, a game that is fourteen dollars on a sixty-five percent sale only goes down to seven dollars. And I confess I'm not a mathematician but that discount doesn't make any sense. I don't like how they promote to catch your attention but then don't meet their end of the deal!
Two years ago I bought a game from BigFishGames, and ever since, they have been withdrawing money from my bank account every single month. I reached out to customer support but they haven't been able to stop withdrawals and they don't want to give me back my money. Stay away from this company.
I feel scammed by BigFishGames as they denied me my fifty thousand diamonds in rewards for a game I played. I provided customer support with all the necessary proof of how I accumulated the diamonds including screenshots from diamonds I received on promotions. I am leaving this negative review to warn others out there of the company's manipulations. I won those diamonds fair and square, so I am not sure why they feel it's ok to deny me what I've earned. They are always advertised as a credible and established company but in reality, they are not professional and inefficient. It is a pity I will never be returning here because I do like many of the games they offer but ultimately it's not worth the hassle.
I like the diversity of games they offer and enjoy playing many of their games. I just find it strange that all major cities are not represented in a game like Gummy Drop. I hope one day to see my city there.
I'm a loyal member of the site for years now and I highly enjoy the variety of games they offer. Haven't had any issues downloading or playing the games. The only drawback is that the games are not often updated and themes seem to be outdated.
Even though they promote offering free games but that's not entirely true because you have to pay a fee upon signing up before you can claim the offer.
Some games are faulty. I would honestly like to have my money back.
Two years ago I bought a game from BigFishGames, and ever since, they have been withdrawing money from my bank account every single month. I reached out to customer support but they haven't been able to stop withdrawals and they don't want to give me back my money. Stay away from this company.